Since 2001, the Irvington neighborhood has held a collective garage sale during which many households around the neighborhood hold a garage sale on the same weekend. Each garage sale operates independently, but registration with the school gets your sale on a neighborhood map, which is made available to shoppers at local coffee shops & online. So clean out your garage, dust off those old lamps, and join the fun. This community-building event raises funds for you and our school! The $35 registration fee ($50 for multi-family sales) places your sale and description on the neighborhood map, as well as serves as a tax-deductible donation to Irvington School.
If you are interested in joining our neighborhood sale, or advertising your business on the map, please contact
The Irvington Neighborhood Yard Sale is put on by the Irvington School PTA. All proceeds go to benefit Irvington's public K-8 school. For more information: