Upcoming Events

Get Prepared With Your Neighbors: Map Your Neighborhood training coming up November 5.  

Please RSVP here


Preparedness Resources

Risks to Our Region

Making a Plan & Building Your Kit

Get Involved

 Map Your Neighborhood

The best thing you can do is educate yourself and your neighbors & work together to build a preparedness plan.  Read about the program & get started mapping your neighborhood.

The Irvington Community Association conducts workshops periodically to help people get started organizing their blocks. If you'd like to receive information about the next event, please fill out this form.

Join a neighborhood emergency team (Portland NET)

Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET) volunteers are Portland residents trained by the Portland Bureau of Emergency Management (PBEM) and Portland Fire & Rescue to provide emergency disaster assistance within their own neighborhoods. NET members are trained to save lives and property until professional responders can arrive. Anyone who lives or works in Portland can take NET training. You don’t need to be a NET member in order to attend your local NET meetings.

 Become a BEECN volunteer

The Portland Bureau of Emergency Management has created the Basic Earthquake Emergency Communication Node (BEECN) program to help deal with the problem of post-quake communication. Within 24-48 hours of a major quake, each BEECN will be a place to get information and request emergency assistance. BEECNs will be staffed by neighborhood volunteers with access to radios.

Consider volunteering to staff a BEECN. This is an incredibly effective yet low-commitment way to get involved in earthquake planning for your neighborhood. If you have a HAM radio license or feel comfortable using FRS/GMRS radios (walkie talkies), they really need your help!

Join the Irvington Community Association’s Disaster Prep Committee

Share your talents with our group and help move our beautiful neighborhood toward self-sufficiency following a disaster. Contact prepared@irvingtonpdx.com