PLEASE NOTE: The neighborhood boundaries do not reflect school attendance lines and are different from the boundaries of the Irvington Historic District. The Portland Public Schools school attendance boundaries may change periodically according to district needs. The Historic District boundaries were permanently set in 2010 by the district's nomination to the National Register of Historic Places.
Neighborhood Boundaries
The Irvington Community Association (ICA) is recognized by the City of Portland as the neighborhood association for the area bounded by NE 7th Avenue on the West, NE Fremont Street on the North, NE 26th Avenue on the East, and NE Broadway on the South. The ICA shares overlapping areas with two other Portland neighborhood associations; Sabin Community Association and Alameda Neighborhood Association (represented by red dotted lines on the map). Sabin and Irvington share the area bounded by NE 11th on the West, NE Fremont on the North, NE 21st on the East and NE Siskiyou on the South. Alameda and Irvington share the area bounded by NE 21st on the West, NE Fremont on the North, NE 26th on the East and NE Knott on the South. These shared areas were established in the mid 1970's. If you live in one of these shared areas, you have two neighborhood associations to serve you.
Irvington Neighborhood Boundaries
Historic District Boundaries
The Irvington Historic District includes the area from the middle of NE Fremont Street south to the middle of NE Broadway Street., and from the middle of NE 7th St. east to the east side of NE 27th St. A small portion of NE 28th St., between NE Tillamook St. and NE Hancock St., is also included.
These Historic District boundaries are based in local history. From 2007 to 2010 the Historic District Team researched all the physical and legal and historical attributes of the geographical area that was nominated to become a historic district. The research team has found more documentation for the District's approved boundaries as additional research has been compiled in the years since the District was established. Much of this documentation was presented to the State Historic Preservation Office in 2015 when a challenge to the boundary arose.
The Irvington Historic District boundaries relate to a number of neighborhood features from the defined Period of Significance for the District, including:
Irving Family Connections
Early development covenants
Historic District boundaries are NOT based on:
City of Portland Neighborhood lines
Portland Public Schools attendance lines
Street sign toppers
Irvington Historic District Boundaries